7 Bad Parameter specified on open call. Contact Symantec Support. 8 Not enough memory available to open databases. \nClose some programs and try again. 9 The HPC is out of storage memory. Increase the available\n storage memory in the HPC s System dialog before linking or\n using ACT! for Windows CE. 10 A bad parameter was specifed on a call\nto a record write. Contact Symantec support. 11 There is no memory to perform function.\nExit some applications and try again. 12 Error closing connection to the device. 13 A file required for linking, rapi.dll, could not be found. Please ensure that you have the HPC Explorer correctly installed on this computer. 14 Incorrect version of RAPI used. 15 General 16 MyRecord 17 SymantecAct 18 ACT! 19 To successfully delete databases on the device you must exit \nACT! on the device. Click OK when this has been done.\nPress Cancel to cancel the link. 20 Create Database error: %ld\nFor Database %s 21 High,Medium,Low 22 Open DataBase error: %ld\nForDataBase %s 23 Now Connecting HPC 24 Now Connecting H/PC 36 Error %ld opening database. 37 Could not initialize communication with the device.\nPlease ensure the device is connected and try again. 38 Windows CE 39 Memory allocation error, performing database operation. 40 Record already exists. 41 Public 42 Other 43 Communication with the device was lost during data transfer.\nPlease ensure the cables are connected and the device is on before trying again. 217 Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Korea (South), United States 327 Cold Call 328 Confirm appointment 329 Confirm shipment 330 Discuss legal points 331 Follow up 332 Get the order 333 Give quote 334 Request updated catalog 335 Request updated prices 336 Returning call 337 Schedule a meeting 338 Thank you 339 Ask for the order 340 Breakfast meeting 341 Cold Call 342 Contract negotiations 343 Demonstration 344 Dinner meeting 345 First meeting 346 Follow up on delivery 347 Follow up on presentation 348 Lunch meeting 349 Presentation 350 Sales call 351 Show new products 352 Trade show 353 Vacation 354 Assemble catalogs 355 Make travel arrangements 356 Send a letter 357 Send contract 358 Send FAX 359 Send follow up letter 360 Send literature 361 Send proposal 362 Send quote 378 Analyst,CEO,Engineer,Executive Vice President,Marketing Manager,Purchasing Manager,President,Vice President,Director,Chairman,Vice President of Sales,Sales Manager,Office Manager,Sales Representative,Regional Manager,Administrator,Administrative Assistant,Secretary,Manager,Owner,Partner,Supervisor,District Manager,Consultant 402 Followed up,Just received information,Qualified, OK to pursue,Discussed opportunities,Got appointment,Left message to call me back,Requested more information,Sent literature,Advertisement,Called in,Mailer,Referral,Trade show,Associate 403 Advertisement,Associate,Called in,Mailer,Referral,Trade show\n 416 Administration,Corporate,Purchasing,Sales,Marketing,Finance/Accounting,Production,Legal,Manufacturing,Engineering,Human Resources,Service,Shipping 429 Atlanta,Baltimore,Boston,Chicago,Dallas,Denver,Detroit,Los Angeles,Miami,Minneapolis,Montreal,New York,Newark,Ottawa,Philadelphia,Providence,San Diego,San Francisco,San Jose,Seattle,St.Louis,Toronto,Washington DC 453 AL,AK,AR,AZ,CA,CO,CT,DC,DE,FL,GA,HI,ID,IL,IN,IA,KS,KY,LA,MA,MD,ME,MI,MN,MO,NE,NV,NH,NJ,NM,NY,NC,ND,OH,OK,OR,PA,RI,SC,SD,T,TX,UT,VA,VT,WA,WV,WI,WY 454 Customer,Manufacturer,Investor,Prospect,Vendor,Personal,Director,Distributor,Competitor,Shareholder,Friend,Supplier